Get Your Apartment Valued
Would You Like an Estimate of Your Apartment’s Sale Price?
Just like with a house, there are additional and specific factors to consider when estimating the price of an apartment. This page outlines the characteristics to take into account when estimating the price of your apartment in a building. You can find the common elements for any property valuation (apartment or house) in our guide “Estimate a Property“.The Location of the Apartment in the Building
Not all apartments in the same building have the same value, even if they have the same surface area. Prices can be influenced by:- The floor: It is commonly said that the higher the apartment, the more expensive it is, especially if it has a balcony or terrace.
- The orientation, which complements the view. A cross-through apartment will be valued more compared to others in the same building, especially if it has an east-west exposure.
- The position within the building: The value differs between the street side or garden side. A view of a dark courtyard will negatively impact the apartment’s value.
Noise and Disruptions
- The immediate environment around the apartment, such as the elevator, entrance hall, or trash collection area, can impact its valuation.
- Nocturnal disturbances: Apartments located directly above a restaurant or bar may be subject to a price reduction.
- Excessive noise or heavy traffic are also negative factors.
The Condominium Fees
When you own a property in a condominium, it’s important that regular maintenance work has been carried out, as the condition of the building will impact the sale price. Be sure to consider the following two types of fees:- Operating fees: Are they consistent with the sale price?
- Exceptional fees: These correspond to major works such as compliance updates, façade renovations, or roof repairs, for example.